Series of posters "Passing Time" No.01

Series of posters on the passing of time, featuring experimental typography.

"We will explore the concept of the passing of time in terms of science, cultures, religions, art, and social values in a narrative manner. Instead of dividing each perspective with clear lines, I have chosen to disperse them, as I believe that in the concept of time, all aspects work together and are interconnected. At the same time, it is also important to understand each aspect individually. The first phenomena we must think of are change and memory. They form the foundation of the passing of time. Then, we will see the connection between memory, the passing of time, and material (objects). Humans are social beings, so objects made and/or used by humans hold information about the passing of time. Inevitably, this encourages forms of communication. Since everything changes over time, evolutions occur. Communication evolves as humans do. We communicate in many ways, including through art."

Altay Dagistan, "memory of the passing time".